Welcome to the World Federation of Chinese calligraphy and painting lines!

Kong Xianhua

lifelong painter of China international painting and calligraphy art academy , ​Chinese traditional learning researcher at the institute , ​Member of China Financial Artists Association , ​Honorary president of the Chinese Artists Association (HongKong)
lifelong painter of China international painting and calligraphy art academy 
Chinese traditional learning researcher at the institute
Member of China Financial Artists Association
Honorary president of the Chinese Artists Association (HongKong)
版权所有© 2015 中国书画世界行联合会   京ICP备14053899号-1
电话:86-10-58239511 传真:86-10-58239551 E-mail:18910810590@163.com
地址:北京市朝阳区小营路19号中国昊华B座901  邮编:100101
 技术支持:金方时代 维护